

Welcome to Bhatter Projects Pvt Ltd

Merlin House 1st floor, 79 Shambhunath Pandit Street, Kolkata - 700020

033 3508 7422

bhatter building

We Serve all of your
Construction Services

We are a family-owned commercial construction management firm with a mission to deliver on our promises. Established in 1938, Bhatter is one of the oldest brand in Kolkata in the area of RETAIL, MANUFACTURING, WHOLESALE OF JEWELLERY & SILVERWARE. We have guided our clients through the construction process to turn their vision into reality. We operate as a family with a commitment to construct buildings that are measured on quality and value.

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Why Choose Us?

We offer you competitive pricing. We provide a comprehensive range of services.

Choosing the best construction company means that you’ll benefit from top services that are also affordable, with a high return on investment. We work within your budget to ensure you get you what you want by using cost-effective strategies.
